Photo from James Moeller's Facebook page.
Slumgullion will appear later today. Right now, here's the Saturday schedule for the Abbie Hoffman Died For Our Sins XXIII theatre festival going on this weekend at the Mary-Arrchie Theatre. I added information based on what I could find on the Internet, or from what I have seen at past Abbie Fests. See yesterday's post for background info. NOTE: The Abbie Fest sometimes runs a little behind schedule.
9:00 a.m. TBA
10:00 a.m. Tai Chi with Daniel Guidara Guidara is a patient and knowledgeable instructor. An interesting and relaxing way to kick off Day 2 of The Abbie Fest.
11:00 a.m. American Agency by Alexandra Bassett - American Agency
11:40 a.m. TBA
12:00 p.m. Three Scary Tales by David Denman - Clock Productions Denman’s spooky yarns, which he writes and adapts, have delved into vampires, super powers, and monsters in the past.
12:30 p.m. TBA
1:00 p.m. Flagellating The Boss by Crystal Jackson and Nathalie Magri - Revolution Theatre Co. A trio of employees plot revenge against their abusive boss.
1:30 p.m. TBA
2:00 p.m. Lack of Dis-illusion by Mitch Straeffer and Pepper Giese - Pepperkorn Productions
2:24 p.m. TBA
2:30 p.m. Nobody Here But Us Chickens by Peter Barnes - Ludamus Offbeat comedy from the British playwright involving a man who is convinced he’s a chicken and winds up in an institution.
3:00 p.m. Dorkumentary - Tarleton/Dawn Productions David Tarleton and Adria Dawn are the creators of this Internet comedy series. Not sure if they’re doing a live performance or presentation.
3:15 p.m. The Room by Nick Cardiff - Nothing Special Productions Original short piece by one of the Elgin-based group’s founding members.
3:25 p.m. TBA
3:30 p.m. Three Scary Tales by David Denman - Clock Productions See 12:00 p.m. listing.
4:00 p.m. Wild Dogs by Matt Borczon - Mary-Arrchie Theatre Co This comedy/drama is a showcase for Rich Cotovsky’s in-your-face acting style. A deranged loner and an uptight businessman who was recently thrown out by his wife become uneasy allies after a bout of heavy drinking and fighting.
4:30 p.m. Did Jesus Laugh? by Camille Cadenhead - Stand On Your Hands And Clap
5:20 p.m. L’il Howlin’ Wolf Veteran blues singer takes a down and dirty approach to performing. Not for kids or the easily offended.
5:25 p.m. Three Plays by Tron Von Trier - Johann Sebastian Theatreson
6:15 p.m. Sea Change by Leana Savoie and Paul Scudder - The Continuation Project
6:45 p.m. Nobody Here But Us Chickens by Peter Barnes - Ludamus See 2:30 p.m. listing.
7:15 p.m. How Low Will You Go? - Famous In The Future My former comedy group is back for its 23rd year at The Abbie Fest, although at this point Frank Carr is the only original member left. Other cast members, Desiree Burcum, Michael Hora, and Tina Teske are also Abbie veterans. Carr describes this year’s revue as a “new collection of comedy sketches and songs but dipping into the low brow side.”
8:05 p.m You Must Believe by Carla Hayden and James Moeller - Black Forest Hayden and Moeller are longtime participants in The Abbie Fest and their avant garde, amiable productions are thought-provoking and fun. Live music often plays a role, as Hayden and Moeller are also members of the WhiteWolfSonicPrincess alt rock band
8:45 p.m. Little Ivory Fingers by Sid Branca - Red Room Intimate solo performance from Branca, who’s also involved with The Chicago Fringe Festival.
9:10 p.m. Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson adapted by Fred Husar - Theatre O Th Absurd Company Formerly with Dreadful Engines, Husar is another Abbie Fest regular who can be counted on for an entertaining show. Here he’s adapted the infamous Rolling Stone scribe’s book for a funny, character-driven play.
9:25 p.m. L’il Howlin’ Wolf More ribald original tunes.
9:30 p.m. Lifted: A Jewish Love Story by Marissa Lessman - Marissa Lessman According to an online Red Eye review, this original work by Chicago playwright Lessman concerns a Jewish sportswriter who finds romance on an L ride to O’Hare Airport.
9:55 p.m. L’il Howlin Wolf He’s baaaaaaack.
10:00 p.m. TBA
10:20 p.m. Rompas and Attapas: A Buddy Cop Extravaganza by Juan Castaneda and Antonio Bruno - MadLab
10:50 The Best of Democracy Burlesque - Democracy Burlesque Politically-charged skits and song parodies from a group that has been playing at Abbie Fests since forming in 2006.
11:20 p.m. Some Air a sneak peek - Nothing Without a Company A preview of Anya Clingman’s musical based on average people who fear they’re going nowhere in life.
12:05 a.m. The Decency by The Harlotry & Necromancy Appreciation Society All female troupe takes a physical approach to story telling, involving puppets and acrobatics.
12:15 a.m. Cubismo by Jack Miggins - The Inconvenience The critically acclaimed group performs Miggins’ dark comedy about a family hoping to build a powerful machine that uses components hidden inside other people’s bodies.
1:15 a.m. Not Art by Abraham Werewolf A parody that uses art, poetry, and dance to examine a Chicago band called D’Artagnan. Loosely based on Yasmina Reza’s award winning play, Art.
1:55 a.m. The Room by Nick Cardiff - Nothing Special Productions See 3:15 p.m. listing.
2:05 a.m. Existential Crisis - Existential Crisis
3:05 a.m. Lola Balatro Three bad-ass looking musicians set funny lyrics to acoustic guitar arrangements. At least that’s what they were doing in 2009 when I reviewed their self-titled CD for the Illinois Entertainer. Back then I wrote, “Occasionally the humor aims too low, but for the most part, Lola Balatro serves up a good time."
4:05 a.m. Bitch With Rich - Mary-Arrchie Theatre Co. Cotovsky’s Skid Marks character engages the audience (and there usually is one even at this hour) in discussions of current topics. On the times I’ve seen this in the past, the show involved TV monitors, other effects, and Marks playing guitar.
5:00 a.m. through 7:00 a.m. - TBA
7:00 a.m. My Life With The Shawnee by Steve Evans - Trained Monkey Productions
8:00 a.m. TBA